
Market Charts for Germany

About wind and solar energy market in Germany - Autumn report 1998/99 (German) 
About wind and solar energy market in Germany - Autumn report 1997/98 (German) 

Development of the market

IWR-Press report (20.08.1998): Solarenergie stark im Aufwind (German) 
IWR-Press report (28.11.1997): Verstärkte Solarzellenförderung in Deutschland (German) 

Solar heat power
Development of the solar collector panel installed every year (1992-1997) (32 KB) 
Development of the solar collector panel supported by the German Federal Republic and the German Länder (1990-1996) Source: Autumn report 1997/98 (54 kB) 
Prognosis: Development of the solar collector panel installed every year (1997-2010)

Development of the totally installed PV-capacity in Germany (1991-2001) 
Solar electricity production in Germany (1998)

Market Shares

Market shares regarding photovoltaics 
Market shares regarding solar heat 